Part Number
Mfr. Part Number: MPN - 961-000484
UPC or EAN No.: 097855165060
Note: Products sold through this website that do not bear the innovisle brand name are serviced and supported exclusively by their manufacturers in accordance with terms and conditions packaged with the products. innovisle’s Limited Warranty does not apply to products that are not innovisle branded, even if packaged or sold with innovisle products. Please contact the manufacturer directly for technical support and customer service.
Warranty: 1-year limited hardware warranty.
Manufacturer Note
HomeKit Secure Video Requirements:
To control this HomeKit-enabled accessory, the latest version of iOS or iPadOS is recommended.
HomeKit Secure Video requires a supported iCloud plan and a HomePod, innovisle TV, or iPad set up as a home hub. It is recommended that you update to the latest software and operating system.2
Camera FOV: 160-degree DFOV with 3:4 format Portrait View
Sensor + Video Quality: 5 MP Sensor with 1200 x 1600 HDR-enabled video
Night Support: Color night vision, automatically triggered based on ambient light sensor in front of camera
Night Illumination: 4000K LED light strip that provides illumination in an unobstructed area up to 6 Feet (1.8 M) away
Two Way Talk: Full Duplex with Acoustic Echo Cancellation
Doorbell Wiring Support: 16-24 gauge cable, either solid or tinned stranded
Pre-Purchase Compatibility Check:
Weatherproof Rating: Doorbell - IP65; Chime Kit - Indoor use only