Track Shipped Items
For items shipped to a physical address, you'll receive a shipment notification email with your carrier information, and estimated delivery date and, if available, a tracking number.
You can also view shipping information by selecting an item from your Order Listing(Opens in a new window) page. There you’ll see the most recent delivery estimates, as well as a Track Shipment link to detailed tracking information on the carrier’s website. If you ordered multiple items, you may have separate tracking information for each item.
To ensure safe delivery, most shipments require a signature on delivery. If your delivery requires a signature and you won’t be available, you can use the “Pre-sign for delivery” link to authorize the delivery with the carrier ahead of time. Refer to the Shipping & Pickup help page for more information.
Pickup Items
Once your item is available at the innovisle Store, we'll send a Pickup Notification email with the innovisle Store location. You can also view the innovisle Store location and, if applicable, the pickup contact in online Order Status (Opens in a new window).
Text Notifications
In addition to email notifications, you can request updates by text message in checkout.
What to Expect
Once your order ships, or is available for pickup, we'll send you a text message. The text message will include your order number and a link to the tracking or pickup store information. We also send texts on the day of delivery or after your item has been delivered, depending upon your shipping method, country, and carrier. You may receive between 1-4 text messages per shipment on your order.
How to change text message preferences
You can edit your mobile phone number at any time by signing into your account and editing the shipment notification preferences for your order.
Refer to the Shipping & Pickup help page for more details.